Ringing in the upcoming year with a group of dear friends warms the heart and feeds the soul ... and does nothing short than allow for a good time!
Realizing 2009 holds many surprised and plans for my life, I press on toward the mark as Paul would say. I anxiously await all that God puts in my path as the newest year of my life continues to progress.
I've heard it said that we plan our steps but God directs our course. I see much truth in this. Though I pray that in 2009 I will be able to put aside my stubbornness and even allow my steps to be planned by the Father.
Christmas was a jolly time as well as I visited with family and friends. My sister-in-law, Bridget, is with child and Launa Kate continues to be filled with life inside of her. I received a photo just yesterday of a 4-D ultrasound. It is amazing the features that are revealed of that sweet baby while still inside her mother's tummy. I cannot wait until her arrival here. She will be just beautiful.
I was also reminded, especially this year, of Mary for we celebrate this season in honor of her baby's birth — the birth of Christ. Watching Eric and Bridget anticipate the coming of Launa Kate, talking to her, cherishing the moment when she will arrive easily paralleled for me the birth of Christ and the emotions that must have run deep through Joseph and Mary. Nonetheless, Mary sought to "hold these things in her heart." For in this principle, I fall short. Nonetheless, this principle I seek. To grow as Mary grew (obviously not in a physical way). To anticipate as Mary anticipated. And to cherish things in my heart and in my spirit until the day Christ is ready for them to be birthed through me.